Psycho-Educational TestingAcademic Assessments Following EU and International Standards

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IQ Test Stuttgart

Many schools support pupils and students in examination situations with additional working hours or similar if learning difficulties can be demonstrated.

The WISC & the WIAT

Educational assessments require the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) and the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT) because they provide a comprehensive evaluation of a child’s cognitive abilities and academic achievement.

The WISC measures intellectual functioning, helping identify strengths, weaknesses, and potential learning difficulties, while the WIAT assesses specific academic skills like reading, writing, and math. Together, they offer a detailed picture of a student’s learning profile, ensuring accurate diagnoses and tailored support.

These assessments align with EU and international standards, making them essential tools for effective educational planning and intervention.

IQ Test

What to expect on the day of testing

On the day of testing, we begin with a warm welcome and a brief discussion with parents to explain the procedure in more detail. The assessment starts with the WISC, which takes approximately two hours to complete. After this, the child has a 30 to 45-minute break to rest and recharge. We then proceed with the WIAT, which lasts between 2 to 2.5 hours, depending on the child’s pace. In total, the appointment lasts around five hours, including breaks. While most children manage well with the scheduled pauses, we also offer the option to split the testing over two days if needed. Please note that assessments must be conducted one-on-one, without parents in the room. Parents are welcome to wait in the practice or explore the nearby area during the session.

You can book your appointment here

You can book your appointment online by clicking the button below. The fee for the full assessment, including a detailed report, is €795, in line with industry standards.  If you have any questions, feel free to email us at

Gerne helfe ich Ihnen weiter

I will gladly help you further

Schließung meiner Praxis in Stuttgart zum 31.01.2025

Schweren Herzens werden wir den Praxisbetrieb in Stuttgart zum 31.01.2025 einstellen. Diese Entscheidung ist uns nicht leicht gefallen, da wir die Zeit mit Ihnen und Ihr Vertrauen sehr geschätzt haben.

Auf Anfrage werde ich in Karlsruhe und Bad Nauheim weiterhin vereinzelt Testungen anbieten. Bei Interesse oder Fragen können Sie sich gerne an mich wenden oder direkt online einen Termin vereinbaren. 

Ich danke Ihnen herzlich für Ihr Verständnis und die schönen gemeinsamen Momente. Wenn Sie weitere Informationen benötigen, stehe ich Ihnen bis zur Schließung der Praxis gerne zur Verfügung.

Herzliche Grüße,

Steven Jones